Emerging technologies like AI have the potential to leapfrog our progress toward reaching the SDGs, but large gaps still exist in who has access to new technologies, leaving many organizations and the communities we serve on the fringe of these benefits. As impact organizations dedicated to empowering hard-to-reach and under-resourced entrepreneurs through the fusion of human connection and technology, Micromentor & Producers Direct are committed to exploring the dynamic landscape of AI/technology innovation to reach our missions.
Join a lively discussion about the challenges and opportunities AI can create for program operations, service delivery and impact measurement.
Some of the topics we will explore are:
* How are impact organizations currently using technology in their work, what AI tools are available and how might AI be integrated to leverage efficiencies, both operationally and for the communities we’re serving?
* How do we keep a human-centered approach in our work while also embracing these technology advancements?
* How can AI help reduce the tension between the need for scale and the need for quality?
The session will conclude with a brainstorm on how participants can partner with each other to share insights and resources for new technologies to reach their missions.