An underexplored aspect of climate justice and climate action is how what we are doing to the planet reflects the experience of being in a toxic womb. People are unconsciously acting out their polluted gestational histories both in their rush to destroy the planet’s atmosphere and to save it. When people are educated about their womb experience they can approach mother earth with love and wisdom instead of desperation. This understandings essential for people on all sides of a the climate issue.
The Earth As A Toxic Womb
Julie Motz
Deploying Climate Capital
Workshop (Up to 3 Facilitators/Instructors)
- NameJulie Motz
- TitleHealer ; Author
- OrganizationSelf
An underexplored aspect of climate justice and climate action is how what we are doing to the planet reflects the experience of being in a toxic womb. People are unconsciously acting out their polluted gestational histories both in their rush to destroy the planet’s atmosphere and to save it. When people are educated about their womb experience they can approach mother earth with love and wisdom instead of desperation. This understandings essential for people on all sides of a the climate issue.