A convergence of events over the past few years have put the global movement to abolish the death penalty in the spotlight. Even as public support for the practice continued on a steady decline, much-needed business voices had been largely absent. In light of intensifying corporate human rights advocacy, the role of CEO and investor activism, the Business Leaders Against the Death Penalty Campaign was launched in 2021 by Sir Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group, and the Responsible Business Initiative for Justice (RBIJ) in an effort to strategically bring corporate voices to capital punishment abolition efforts. Today, nearly 300 key figures from the global business community – representing over 20 countries and numerous sectors, cultures, and values – have come together to call for an end to the death penalty.
The session will delve into the impact and motivations of corporate involvement in death penalty abolition, showcasing why business leaders are using their voices and platforms, how business leaders are driving progress towards ending capital punishment, and can use their investment power to do more.