Impact Tech

Impact Measurement Strategies for Founders Impact Measurement Strategies for Founders
9 Entrepreneurs Driving Inclusive Economic Development 9 Entrepreneurs Driving Inclusive Economic Development

SOCAP21: Digital Revolution Helps Small Businesses Speaker and Session Graphic
Social Entrepreneurs Accelerate the Digital Revolution ... Social Entrepreneurs Accelerate the Digital Revolution to Help Small Businesses Around the World
Impact Tech, ...
SOCAP21: Leveraging Tech-Led Innovations to Create Impact and Scale: The India Experience
Social Entrepreneurs in India Tap Technology to Build I... Social Entrepreneurs in India Tap Technology to Build Inclusive Markets
Finance & Capital, ...
Collaborating for Impact in Communities of Color, a SPE... Collaborating for Impact in Communities of Color, a SPECTRUM20 Virtual Session with Diishan Imira, Kesha Cash, and Debra Schwartz
Catalytic Capital, ...
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