UK and two U.S. metrics groups join up

Kevin Jones December 8, 2010

SVT Group and REDF have joined to create  a United States chapter of the UK based SROI Network.They join the roster of GIIRS, IRIS, Impact50 as intermediaries playing the role of making sense of the Social Capital Market as it emerges. Making sense of the sense makers will be a key theme of SocapEurope and one of the focuses of the contextualized map of the market we are building as we head to Amsterdam.
Here is the press release on the new venture :SROI USA will be co-chaired by Cynthia Gair, Managing Director of Programs for REDF, and Sara Olsen, Founding Partner of SVT Group. Membership is open to anyone interested in helping to develop and promote the SROI methodology. A nominal membership fee to cover minimal administrative expenses will be charged but has not yet been determined.
“Our goal is to discover who is working with SROI or similar methodologies in the US, to provide a forum for us to share insights, and to continue to innovate around the original methodology for social enterprise that was first written about by REDF in 2000,” said Sara. “A star is born,” said Cynthia.
The first formal SROI Network was formed in 2008, with a headquarters in the UK and members from several countries. That network now has over 600 members in 13 countries worldwide, and country-specific chapters have been created or are in formation in Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and the UK as well as the US.
To participate and for more information, please email USA!

Impact Investing / Social Entrepreneurship / Sustainable Development
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