Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

Starting Bloc is moving to Detroit! Now Accepting Applications…

SOCAP March 26, 2013

Starting Bloc wants Social Entrepreneurs to Collaborate on Building Detroit’s Future
“…Between severe literacy rates (a 2011 report found that nearly half the city is functionally illiterate), one of the highest unemployment rates in the country (18.2%, compared to the U.S. jobless rate of 7.7 percent), a population that has decreased by 25% in the last decade and counts a third of its population as living in poverty, and the governor of Michigan’s recent call for an emergency manager to help save the city from bankruptcy–the Motor City won’t be making ‘America’s Best Cities’ list anytime soon.
That is, unless the list is being made by StartingBloc, a global community of 1900 social entrepreneurs from 55 countries with a mission of creating lasting change, which will hold its first ever Institute for Social Innovation in Detroit in August…” –
Listen to @StartingBloc fellow Tidus Coleman (@TerrellColeman) share why he joined the this community of social innovators
Interested in being part of this? Apply here

Impact Investing / Social Entrepreneurship / Sustainable Development
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