Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

Pipeline Fellowship: Changing the Face of Angel Investing

SOCAP April 23, 2013

The Pipeline Fellowship, an angel investing bootcamp for women philanthropists, works to increase diversity in the U.S. angel investing community and creates capital for women social entrepreneurs.
The Pipeline Fellowship’s three main criteria are:
a) Meeting one of the accredited investor definitions
(i.e., US$200K in income or US$300K joint income with spouse for the past two years, or US$1M net worth)
b) Interest in group learning model
c) Passion for philanthropy and/or social change
For most of the Pipeline Fellows, this is their first angel investment. They are attracted by the program’s three components (education, mentoring, practice) and benefit from the diversity of each cohort.  Pipeline Fellows are intergenerational (ranging from late twenties to 60+) and come from a variety of professional backgrounds.
You can find the application here.
Join Black Founders Co-Founder Nnena Ukuku and Girls in Tech Managing Director of San Francisco Laura Slezinger for breakfast at Facebook on Tuesday, April 30, 2013!
Pipeline Fellowship Founder & CEO Natalia Oberti Noguera will discuss how her organization’s changing the face of angel investing and she will interview Pipeline Fellowship Mentor Eghosa Omoigui on his efforts to increase diversity in the VC and entrepreneurship communities.
Lisa Lee, Diversity Program Manager at Facebook, will provide welcome remarks.
Visit their Eventbrite page to learn more!

Impact Investing / Social Entrepreneurship / Sustainable Development
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