Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

The Needs of Impact Enterprises

SOCAP May 13, 2013

Last year, the Rockefeller Foundation commissioned SJF Institute and the CASE i3: Initiative on Impact Investing as part of “a global research consortium aiming to understand the needs of impact enterprises around the globe”.
One of the foundation’s questions was, if impact investors are the supply side, providing capital, what are the evolving needs of the demand side, those receiving it? What activities could foundations, governments and other institutions take to be sure the impact entrepreneurs, these tireless small companies working to create lasting improvements on communities, both domestically and globally, succeed to their greatest potential?
Among individuals who worked on the report are Cathy Clark, CASE at Duke University & Investors’ Circle Board of Directors and Bonny Moellenbrock, Investors’ Circle & SJF Institute.
Find out more about the release and download the Executive Summary to learn about the topic.

Impact Investing / Social Entrepreneurship
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