Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

The Open Health Community

SOCAP June 19, 2013
Did you know that in some hospitals checks for breast cancer are done by blind people because the sense in their fingers is well developed, enabling earlier cancer detection? Watch this video about it.



The Open Health Community is a new platform that brings together entrepreneurs, students, professionals, creatives and experts in a crowdsource challenge. Our aim is to co-create innovative business solutions that can empower (ex-)cancer patients and improve the quality of their lives. Join us and become part of this international community, where you can expand your professional network, share experiences and knowledge and develop your idea into a promising business concept. The owner of the best business concept will win 10.000EUR to make it a reality.


More about the Open Health Community
The aim of the Open Health Community is to improve the quality of life, health and healthcare for cancer patients through co-creating world changing ideas that empower them. We bring entrepreneurs, students, professionals, experts and (ex-)patients together in our crowdsource challenge. The owner(s) of the best business idea will win 10.000 euro and the chance to develop it into a successful start-up supported by Enviu. Who knows, maybe someone in your network has the oncology solution for the future?
Impact Investing / Social Entrepreneurship / Sustainable Development
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