Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

Three Ways to Increase Team Synergy in Your Business

Rachel Zurer April 3, 2017

Because you are reading this article, chances you are a purpose-driven person. Like you, we at Lead with the Lights On care about healthy relationships in business and teams, and our mission-driven business community wants a conscious ecosystem at work and in its environment. You probably want your business to be a tool for social change in some way as well.

Do you know how to get the most out of your teams when the usual (and sometimes unusual) stresses of business arise? Read on to learn three effective ways to increase the synergy and effectiveness of your team in any situation.

1) Take Responsibility

Conscious leaders take responsibility. Yet how many people recognize themselves to be a conscious leader? Chances are you already are, but what does this look like in terms of your business?

One aspect is taking responsibility. Systems change expert Peter Senge talks about people having an “inflated sense of independence” in nearly every aspect of their lives when in actuality, everything is mostly interdependent. This is often the “gap” teams experience when they are not functioning at a level greater than the sum of their parts. Within a high-functioning team, however, everyone takes ownership for the shortcomings and the success of the team.

2) Know your Team

 A responsible team member knows and understanding every team member. There are many tools out there that can support a deeper understanding of each other. Some examples include Myers-Brigs, DISC, or our own Conscious Temperaments.

Regardless of what methodology you use, be sure to apply the recommendations consistently. Test them out to find what is useful and effective for you. Someone with a Fire Temperament, for example, should not use force nor ultimatums when trying to motivate someone with an Earth/Water Temperament. This will oppose what the Fire person intended in the first place.

3) Prepare for stress

Learn and understand how people react to stress and challenges beforehand. This builds off knowing your team by not waiting for a critical situation to learn how everyone handles pressure. In these situations some people take action quickly. Others become paralyzed or frenetic and are ineffective while others take a slower whole-picture approach, which can look like inaction.

Put it into practice

By applying these three tips, you will set a solid foundation to increase the effectiveness of your team. You can also go deeper into each of these tips and others to foster a culture of true resilience in your organization.

Social Entrepreneurship / Stakeholder Capitalism
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