11 Heartfelt Reasons to Attend the 2019 Conscious Company Leaders Forum

Event Details + Application Process:

CCMedia February 1, 2019

The Conscious Company Leaders Forum has become the premier gathering for the who’s who of CEOs, executives, investors, and thought leaders who are interested in conscious business, where companies make a profit and have a positive impact on society.

For three days from April 10–12, 2019, a curated group of business leaders from some of the most impressive brands in the space gather at a world-class mindfulness retreat center in the heart of the redwood forest to have real, unfiltered conversations about what’s really working for conscious leaders and businesses.

This is not your typical “conference.” Here’s what every conscious business leader will get out of joining us for the 2019 event.

1. Brave Conversations

The Conscious Company Leaders Forum is a place for business leaders, both on and off stage, to drop the facade and be real with one another. The experience is built around everyone in the room — including our speakers — having raw and honest conversations about what it actually takes to succeed in business.

2. An Incredible Network

The Leaders Forum is a place to find your tribe: other conscious business leaders who understand what you’re going through. These are peers who can help you with any issue you’re facing and who will be great potential partners for your business. Our invite-only format means everyone in the room is a potentially valuable contact for everyone else.

3. New and Diverse Voices

We pride ourselves on finding new stories that people have never heard, having conversations that don’t typically happen in a business context, and finding voices that aren’t the usual suspects when it comes to conferences about conscious business. We intentionally curate both our speakers and our conversations for an experience you won’t find anywhere else. Check out our current list of speakers here.

4. A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Incredible Brands

As a media company, we continually survey the business landscape to find companies and people doing truly impressive work. Not only do we invite these individuals to speak at and attend the Leaders Forum, but we create a space in which these folks share what it really takes — the good, the bad, and the ugly — to build the types of companies they have.  

5. New Strategies and Ideas to Improve Your Business

We’re not just talking philosophy or lofty ideas here; this is a convening designed to delve into the practical, brass-tacks challenges of doing business in a new way. We facilitate conversations focused on practical tips and lessons learned as much as on storytelling and big-picture questions, and we’ll be giving you space and help to start integrating what you’re learning into your own life.

6. An Inside Line to Conscious Company Media

If you’re a fan of Conscious Company magazine (and we hope you are), the Leaders Forum is the place where the stories come off the pages and come to life. Both the audience and the speakers are curated from the hundreds of stories that we’ve told over the years. And if you’re interested in partnering with us in some way in the future, meeting our team at one of our events is a great way to kick off that relationship.

7. Authenticity

Not to toot our own horn or anything, but we truly believe we’ve created the most conscious business conference about conscious business. Our programming focuses on holistic impact, including personal leadership development, workplace culture development, and new ideas for creating larger impact in the world as business leaders and through our companies’ operations. For the conference experience, we examine every aspect from inclusion and diversity to the conference’s footprint and the wellness of attendees. 

8. A Space for Joy

While we focus on the serious issues of addressing major world problems through the power of business, we also take the time to celebrate and have a tremendous amount of fun at the Leaders Forum. As leaders, we carry a lot. It’s critical to take the time to celebrate our accomplishments and hard work, and the Leaders Forum is a place where you can kick back and let loose with your peers in a healthy, grounded, meaningful way.

9. A World-Class Retreat Center

Picture 75 acres of California forest, where ancient redwoods tower above, hiking trails extend for miles, and yoga, meditation, and massage are offered daily — all within easy reach of San Francisco. The conference venue, 1440 Multiversity near Santa Cruz is a truly magical venue, described as “equal parts learning and vacation.” Bonus: An infinity hot tub. Enough said.

10. Real Community

The intimate scale and retreat-like setting, combined with our emphasis on creating a brave space for authentic, vulnerable conversations, means you can count on skipping the small talk and getting real with other attendees. People have described our previous events as “like coming home to a giant family reunion” and “reconnecting with your tribe, or finding it for the first time.”

11. Time for Rejuvenation

1440 Multiversity provides an incredible space to rejuvenate and take care of yourself, complete with an on-site wellness center, daily mindfulness classes, hiking trails through redwood forests, and healthy, nourishing, gourmet meals. As leaders, we often put ourselves last. Not here. We intentionally curate the Leaders Forum experience so everyone has time to take advantage of the setting and the services that 1440 provides.

Learn more about the 2019 specifics here, or go ahead and register here if you’re ready to commit!

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