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How Pronounced Is Gender Disparity in Tech Industries? More Than You May Think.

Tamara Backovic January 21, 2020

Even though the workplace landscape has changed in the last couple of years, the position of women in tech is still substandard.

According to women-in-tech statistics for 2020, a mere 20 percent of positions in the tech world are held by women. Yet, the situation is not as gloomy as it may seem:

“Silicon Valley Bank says 60 percent of those startups have at least one woman in an executive position. Although we often hear that there is a lack of female technology leaders, the reality is that more and more women are becoming involved in leadership positions or launching startups.”

So, what’s the real deal? How strong is gender disparity at the moment? How can women in tech fight for their rights?

The current situation in the tech-related industries

Even without elaborate studies and statistical data, it is easy to see that women in tech are not equal to men. Not by a long shot. In fact, the stats show that one out of three people in the high-tech sector in 2018 was a woman.

When it comes to the science industry, technology, and engineering, men are the dominant force. They virtually hold all the executive positions, such as CEOs, founders, owners, and so on. Women are marginalized and offered limited opportunities. In other words, the unfair treatment of women persists.

As a matter of fact, only 40 percent of tech startups in the US have at least one woman on the board of directors. Of course, there are many reasons why this gender gap is as clear as day.

Why are women marginalized in the tech world?

As we all know, the phenomenon of gender bias starts to develop at a very young age. In fact, it often starts in school. During the formative years, young girls are seldom encouraged to join STEM subjects in school.

However, studies show that women are more likely to earn a BA or other title than their male counterparts. Women are often more driven and more determined than men. They draw inspiration from other women and this leads to better results in education.

Nonetheless, the male-dominated sectors in the tech world show little faith in their female coworkers. As a matter of fact, the role of women remains tied to HR. Once again, the women are expected to play the role of the mother and deal with tensions and relationships in the workplace.

What can we expect in the future?

Despite the limited opportunities and lack of support from the management, the role of women in tech is about to take a sharp turn for the better. Why do we say this?

For starters, the economy itself is changing and evolving. The days of the cradle-to-grave model are coming to an end. The so-called gig economy is shifting the focus towards expertise and knowledge, breaking the barriers and building a new ground. Among other things, this could bring more opportunities for women in tech.

With the changes in economic conditions, women should be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with men. What’s more, women can bring better results and higher profits. Reliable sources claim that women-led companies in the technology world achieve a 35 percent better ROI. When it comes to venture-backed businesses, women bring in 12 percent higher revenue than male-owned companies.

The role of women is changing because they can boost creativity and innovation, which is heavily important in the tech world. Likewise, women are more susceptible to the concept of conscious leadership. Needless to say, the world of tomorrow will be all about developing healthy human relationships, even in the corporate world.

Final Thoughts

The gender disparity in the tech world is affecting women worldwide, and there is still a long way to go to solve this issue. The first step is to recognize the problem and increase awareness. After that, both men and women should feel compelled to change the dominant corporate culture.

According to various studies, women can increase productivity, creativity, and efficiency. They only need to be given a chance to prove their worth. So, it remains to be seen if the upcoming period will bring about a change in perspective and bring balance to the male-to-female ratio.

Equity and Inclusion / Social Entrepreneurship / Stakeholder Capitalism
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