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CEO’s Letter: It’s Time For the Next Daring Adventure

Meghan French Dunbar February 24, 2020

Dear Conscious Company community,

Nearly six years ago, I embarked on what would be the most daring adventure of my life when I co-founded Conscious Company Media. It has proven to be the most impactful, challenging, and joyful decision I have ever made. And while I wish I could speak with everyone individually about my decision, I wanted to write today with some bittersweet news on my end: it’s time for the next daring adventure. As of mid-March, I will be moving on from my role as CEO of Conscious Company Media and World-Changing Women.

Since conceptualizing the idea for Conscious Company Magazine in April 2014, it has been the privilege of a lifetime to lead my incredible team in:

My various endeavors have connected me with more incredible people than I ever could have hoped to meet in one lifetime, and hearing the stories from around the world about how our work as a team impacted people — from inspiring people to start companies to helping people evolve their businesses into more conscious companies, and more — has given me a purpose for my life.

The decision to step away from this work has been painful, but when the heart speaks we have to listen. My heart has told me to make room for what might emerge if given ample time and space. So, in full love and transparency, I do not know what is coming next, but I am holding on to some of our team’s core values as my journey unfolds: practice radical trust, stay curious, and choose joy and love.

I’m leaving the brand in the hugely capable hands of Kate Byrne, President of Intentional Media, and the entire Intentional Media team, who I am confident will be able to carry on the vision that I have stewarded for the last six years

Thank you for your support of our work, for all that you do, and for being a critical member of our community. I will see you out there in the impact space sometime soon — I’ll be the one with big dreams, a huge smile, and deep gratitude in my heart for all that I get to do with my one precious life.

With love and appreciation,
Meghan  ?

Equity and Inclusion / Social Entrepreneurship / Stakeholder Capitalism
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