This year, Conscious Company Media moved its third-annual World-Changing Women’s Summit to wine country — a gorgeous backdrop to connect with like-minded leaders while finding inspiration for one’s own journey.
On January 29 through 31, 2020, at The Lodge at Sonoma, 250 female/women-identifying founders, CEOs, executives, and entrepreneurs involved with conscious businesses convened at the 2020 Women’s Summit, which focused on authentic conversations around two prominent themes — issues that are increasingly important as we challenge the status quo and take the concept of conscious business and conscious leadership to new heights:
- listening to and trusting your instinctual wisdom as a woman and business leader
- understanding, challenging, and overcoming the complexities of racism in business and beyond
With Conscious Company Media co-founder and CEO Meghan French Dunbar and world-class facilitator (and force-to-be-reckoned-with) Jocelyn Macdougall at the helm — and with incredible speakers, relatable stories, heartfelt connection, and breakthrough reflections — the 2020 World-Changing Women’s Summit was a place for true paradigm shifts.
The group chewed on questions like:
- On whose shoulders do I stand to be here?
- When is my gut instinct speaking to me, and how I can better honor what it’s saying?
- How do I continue to perpetuate patriarchy and racism in business and in my own life?
We also celebrate the 43 World-Changing Women in Conscious Business 2020 — 17 of whom attended the Summit.
Here are just a few of our favorite snapshots taken, impressions made, and nutrient-dense sound bites shared from the intimate gathering.
Check out Twitter hashtags #WCWS2020 and #WCWSReflections, as well as our Instagram stories highlights, for even more snippets!
Tweet-Worthy Moments
It's #WCWS2020 time! @jocelynmacdoug is kicking things off by honoring the history of the land we're gathering on, the ancestral and traditional territories of the Coast Miwok People.
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 29, 2020
Kicking off at #wcws2020 – recognizing that we are the traditional lands of the Coastal Miwok people. Looking forward to two days of learning and growing with 250 other women in leadership.
— Caitlin Kealey (@caitlinkealey) January 29, 2020
"We're all holding something to contend with." — @MegFrenchDunbar in the opening session of #WCWS020, sharing her powerful story about the beginning (and recent struggles) of Conscious Company.
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 29, 2020
#WCWS2020 is a Brave Space
thank you for this, @iammickyjones
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 29, 2020
"F the status quo." — Aniyia Williams, during @bbfounders @Zebras_Unite #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 29, 2020
"Infinite growth is not sustainable, yet we pretend that there is no other way." — Aniyia Williams, about capitalism that works for everyone @bbfounders @Zebras_Unite
#WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 29, 2020
Aniyia Williams' 5 Rules of Considerate Capitalism
@bbfounders @Zebras_Unite #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections #futureofbusiness #consciouscapitalism #consciousbusiness #consciouscompany
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 29, 2020
Tami Simon, 30 years ago starting @soundstrue, decided 3 things: "Be true to our mission, be true to the quality of our relationships, and make some dough." #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 29, 2020
"When you have checkins, take off your mask." — Tami Simon @soundstrue #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 29, 2020
"When you're working in a group, the #1 most valuable thing: TRUST. How do you build trust? Being vulnerable." — Tami Simon @soundstrue #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 29, 2020
"To be in your heart at work takes time. It slows you down. It requires empathy, and that disrupts power. The reward? When you do it, you get loyalty." — Tami Simon @soundstrue #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 29, 2020
"I've given myself a timeline: I have 15 years until my daughter enters the workforce" to change the status quo of parental leave. — Jen Henderson
@ourtilt #parentalleave #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
"The workplace has not kept up with the diversity of parenthood. We need to build something that supports all the ways ." — Jen Henderson
@ourtilt #parentalleave #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
"If women buy 70-75% of everything, maybe, just maybe, they might have some great ideas of stuff to sell to other women." — Cheryl Contee @ch3ryl @DoBigThings #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections #SustainableLeadership
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
"Racism and sexism… yeah they're morally terrible but also: It's a really bad business model." — Cheryl Contee @ch3ryl @DoBigThings #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections #SustainableLeadership
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
"Patriarchy has trained us to betray our inner wisdom & ourselves. Noticing those small moments of self-betrayal I s how you can actually make change." — LeeAnn Mallorie @LeeAnnMallorie #gutsandgrace #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections #SustainableLeadership
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
"Things move in cycles—as entrepreneurs, it’s okay to have a winter or a pause. Being able to hang in that long enough means you can ride the downswing and upswing." — LeeAnn Mallorie @LeeAnnMallorie #gutsandgrace #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections #SustainableLeadership
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
On listening to you gut: "The challenge for me now is 'When do I ignore my gut and let the people with other gut prevail?'" — Missy Park @titlenine #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections #SustainableLeadership
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
Thank you to these awesome “Non traditional” founders for moving the women’s movement forward! #WCWS2020 #wethechange #socent
— Dr. Kristin Hull, PhD (@kristinhull) January 30, 2020
A moment of practicing grit? For any entrepreneur "1. They never give up. 2. They never give up. They never give up." Heard at #WCWS2020 by @titlenine beautiful panel moderated by @MegFrenchDunbar w @LeeAnnMallorie @ch3ryl
— Antoinette Klatzky (@fresachocolat) January 30, 2020
What would you have done different on day 1 of @dermalogica? "We'd have put a core group together that we could turn to & ask 'Are we on the right track?' And I would've put in a much more robust succession plan." — Jane Wurwand @_FoundLA #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
“I could do a bikini wax in 7 minutes…we all have our strengths.” And so so many nuggets of laughter and joy and a life well lived. #wcws2020 @Dermalogicajane
— Tuti B. Scott (@TutiScott) January 30, 2020
"You know who you are. You might be in deep denial, but you know. And you have to trust that." Jane Wurwand of @dermalogica on trusting your #gutinstincts. @Dermalogicajane @_FoundLA #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
"We're always looking for the treasures in the rooms we're in, and by rooms I mean the eras of our lives. Everything we need we already have within us. We have to find it." — Jane Wurwand @Dermalogicajane @dermalogica @_FoundLA #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
We had the most beautiful night celebrating connection with @ConsciousCoMag. Can’t wait to share more tmrw! #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections #WorldChangingWomen
— EO Products (@EOProducts) January 30, 2020
Kicking off Day 2 with VaShone Huff, Managing Principal of MCH Strategies: "How can we lift up the voice of Black women?"
#WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
Love is the way. —Jenée Johnson#wcws2020 #wcwsreflections #worldchangingwomen @ConsciousCoMag
— EO Products (@EOProducts) January 30, 2020
Jenée Johnson, Chief Mindfulness Officer of @SF_DPH shares 4 key resources on racism: 1.) The @nytimes 1619 Project: #1619Project
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
Jenée Johnson, Chief Mindfulness Officer of @SF_DPH shares 4 key resources on racism: 3.) the book My Grandmother's Hands by Resmaa Menakem
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
Jenée Johnson, Chief Mindfulness Officer of @SF_DPH shares 4 key resources on racism: 4.) the book The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein: #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
Jenée Johnson, Chief Mindfulness Officer of @SF_DPH shares another resource: the podcast Mama Tanya After Dark: #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
Understanding the Experience of Women Of Color: a panel with Twanna Harris, Yscaira Jimenez, Reign Free, VaShone Huff, and Jenée Johnson #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
“We provide support around finances because we want people who work for us to not have to worry about their basic needs. It is not a favor. earned it.” — Reign Free, Founder & CEO of The Red Door Group #WCWS020 #WCWSReflection
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
Amazing panel kicking off “Understanding the Experience if Women of Colour” – feel very lucky to have these women sharing their stories. Hard to hear, important to acknowledge and understand. #wcws2020
— Caitlin Kealey (@caitlinkealey) January 30, 2020
"You must always speak of those who came before." — @DrAnitaSanchez shares Indigenous wisdom for women in business #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
"We have so much power. We get to choose in every moment whether we're going to be good medicine or bad medicine. Good medicine is anyone or anything that puts into alignment the spiritual, mental, emotional & physical." — @DrAnitaSanchez #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
The four gifts: forgiveness, healing, hope, and unity — which one is calling to you now? @DrAnitaSanchez #WCWS2020 #WCWSReflections
— Conscious Company | SOCAP Global (@ConsciousCoMag) January 30, 2020
We had an amazing, heart-wrenching, eye-opening and community-building experience at the @consciouscomag #WCWS2020 summit. Incredibly worthwhile experience – and many thanks to the Conscious Company Media for coming up with such timely content. #BeTheChange
— HigherRing (@HigherRing) February 1, 2020
Again, check out Twitter hashtags #WCWS2020 and #WCWSReflections, as well as our Instagram stories highlights, for even more snippets!
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