Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

Catalyzing Impact Investing: Episode 55 of Money + Meaning

SOCAP September 21, 2020

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Margret Trilli, CEO of ImpactAssets, talks about their work channeling both impact investment and grantmaking funds to key causes

“One thing I really enjoy about impact investing – having spent most of my career on Wall St – there isn’t really that sense of proprietary deal flow. There is a lot of collaboration because, ultimately, we’re trying to solve really tricky causes and the more money that gets behind those causes, the better.”

“My call to action now is for philanthropists and impact investors to stay plugged in to this crisis. There are grantmaking opportunities; there are investment opportunities. Regardless of what your investment strategy is, there are opportunities across the spectrum to really have an impact in this crisis and there is a role that only we can play.”

– Margret Trilli, Chief Executive Officer & Chief Investment Officer of ImpactAssets

ImpactAssets is a nonprofit impact investing firm with over $1.2B in assets under management, the majority of which sit under their donor-advised fund (DAF). DAFs are charitable giving vehicles administered by a private charity, in this case ImpactAssets, where the contributed funds are invested until the time the donor decides on their desired charitable purpose. What makes ImpactAssets unique is that they are the only donor-advised fund sponsor investing 100% of their assets under management into impact investments. By doing so, donors at ImpactAssets are able to amplify the desired impact of their DAF through both the investment strategy and the charitable giving strategy.

On this episode, host Alex Kravitz is joined by Margret Trilli, the Chief Executive Officer & Chief Investment Officer of ImpactAssets. They discuss ImpactAssets’ flagship donor-advised fund and the surge in both charitable giving and impact investments they have seen in 2020. They also discuss the partnership between ImpactAssets and the nonprofit Stop the Spread, which has led to hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and impact investments being deployed into COVID response funds over the past six months. 

Featured Voices

Margret Trilli
Alex Kravitz

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About Money + Meaning

Money + Meaning is the official podcast of SOCAP. The series aims to expand the conversation around impact investing and strategies to finance and support social change while stimulating innovative and valuable new partnerships across sectors.

Impact Investing
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