Announcing the SOCAP24 Agenda — Going Deeper: Catalyzing Systems Change!

7 Health and Wellness Entrepreneurs

SOCAP Global September 20, 2022

Meet These Social Entrepreneurs On Stage at SOCAP22

SOCAP22 offers opportunities to connect and collaborate for change, and our Entrepreneur Program gives innovators from around the world the opportunity to pitch their ideas on stage. The entrepreneurs selected this year — see a full list here — will share their incredible solutions to pressing social, cultural, and environmental programs at SOCAP22, and have other opportunities for learning and connection before the event.

Below we share more about seven health and wellness entrepreneurs making a difference globally in their sector — from creating affordable, equitable access to childbirth services for Black mothers to building digital platforms to better manage and understand patient health data and outcomes. Register for SOCAP22 to hear more from them and others in the Entrepreneur Program bringing the most innovative solutions around the globe to scale!


David Barac

What is the focus of your venture?

We provide telemedicine booths to increase access to primary care in underserved areas of Guatemala and other developing countries.

What call to action or advice do you have for others?

Channel more funding to health-tech startups in Central America, and Latin America in general.

Eyedea Medical

Katie Solley

What is the focus of your venture?

Eyedea Medical is a women-led medtech social enterprise working to reduce the global burden of corneal blindness through a series of products that improve the efficiency, capacity, and quality of eye banks. Our first product, DescePrep, improves the preparation of corneal grafts for DMEK, a vision-restoring corneal transplant.

What call to action or advice do you have for others?

Our community as a whole needs to start viewing all decisions through an equitable lens.

Folia Water Global Inc.

Mohammed Rashed

What is the focus of your venture?

Folia Water Filters are inexpensive anti-microbial paper water filters that are packaged like coffee filters and sold in Bangladesh for 20 Taka ($0.24) for 20 liters, similar to prices for other consumers goods. We started Folia Water with the intention of selling our paper water filters at retail establishments in developing countries so that families have the power to control their access to clean, safe drinking water.

What call to action or advice do you have for others?

Clean drinking water is truly a case of doing well by doing good.

Lambent Data

Kirsten Hund Blair

What is the focus of your venture?

Lambent Data has built the OurREACH™ collaborative software engagement platform and app, with data analytics. OurREACH™, which is HIPAA-compliant, equips healthcare and social service providers and empowers families to improve outcomes in health and social drivers of health; this also reduces healthcare costs.

What call to action or advice do you have for others?

Let’s work together to equip practitioners and empower families and communities — locally and globally.

Melinated Moms

Jaye Madden-Wilson

What is the focus of your venture?

We are creating equitable opportunities through our birthing center that impacts the social determinants of health and other programs and services that prioritize Black maternal health.

What call to action or advice do you have for others?

Contribute to improving maternal health by buying a ticket to the Seeds of Sisterhood Fundraiser for Melinated Moms!


Lee Sharir

What is the focus of your venture? is a technological voice-based solution that includes machine-learning models in a user-friendly interface and can be used as an app. The technology employs predefined code words in the user’s voice to trigger automatic phone actions and provide immediate help in personal emergencies, even if the phone is locked and not within reach.

What call to action or advice do you have for others?

To help each other, support each other, and open doors together for a better world!

Vispala Technologies

Dipak Basu

What is the focus of your venture?

Vispala Technologies is an assistive technology company that provides low-cost, high-quality prosthetic and orthotic products to patients in developing countries and areas of conflict.

What call to action or advice do you have for others?

Make impact investing real.

Social Entrepreneurship / Technology & Design
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