11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
ESG ratings are being noticed by investors, Board chairs and CEOs. In some cases, scores are starting to drive investor decisions, which has a very real financial impact on companies. But which ESG raters do you prioritize? And how do you actually go about improving your scores with them? What commitments, policies and actions must you have in place to move your score in a positive direction? And then how do you communicate to ratings agencies effectively about it, while also appealing to all your other stakeholders? And how can sustainability professionals use all of this as a tool to drive purpose and mission in a more meaningful direction? This session will unpack the black box of ESG ratings and give you a framework to understand what they’re looking for, as well as how to legitimately bolster your credibility with them, communicate effectively and improve your scores.
Suzanne Shelton
President & CEO
Shelton Group
Christopher Haasen
Principal and Head of New York Office
S&C North America
Dimitar Vlahov
CEO / Senior Sustainability, Regeneration and Brand Transformation Expert
Latona & Sylva Company / Sustainable Brands