10:45 AM - 12:00 PM PDT

CJM | Classroom

Investor Readiness for Indigenous Innovation: Disrupting the Green Finance Status Quo

Explore how successful investments in Indigenous-led enterprises can drive climate and conservation solutions, especially in light of recent setbacks in climate finance. This workshop will highlight the success stories of impact funds and regenerative projects from around the world, emphasizing the power of effective partnerships with indigenous leadership and integrated capital approaches.

This interactive, hands-on session with experts will set the path for participants to understand how these approaches can disrupt the green finance status quo and pave the way for more inclusive and effective climate action.


Alexis Bunten



Juan Carlos Jintiach

Executive Secretary

Global Alliance of Territorial Communities

Ramasubramanian Oruganti

Director, International Dialogues & Strategic Collaborations

Sequoia Samanvaya

Aldo Soto

Managing Director

Amazonia Impact Ventures

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